
Taking online dating to another level

Find you potential life partner globally, allowing
you to screen for that ideal person, with more
options, broadening your possibilities. What you
see is what you get...

Find love internationally

Meet a variety of people from all walks of life, with no limitations. Does not restrict you to your country/city, eliminating awkward confrontations.
There are no boundaries to whom you fall in love with.

Why choose Destined2Meet?

Destined2Meet drives the idea of combining online and speed dating together.

With a step up in technology, this innovative idea focuses on connecting people through live/video streaming online in order to avoid awkward confrontations in the hope to eliminate the 'catfish'.

We are taking online dating to another level, speed dating 3.0.

People are beginning to realize that attraction depends on more than just a description or picture of a person, but also through the way two people interact with each other. It's refreshing, free from drama, convenient and efficient.

Destined2Meet is all about cutting out the 'Catfish' and meeting real, serious people with the benefit of speed dating in the comfort of your own surroundings.

Online dating has become mainstream, it's a great way in meeting many people in 1 sitting. It's ideal for those who lead busy lives, don't have much time who want to meet new people in a safe environment.

Broaden your possibilities globally and succeed in finding love today.

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